Wednesday, August 27, 2008

For the Facebook surfers…

Black Eagle Adventures has a group on Facebook now!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

For those of you who have no clue about the Zingaro…

It is a natural reserve, north west of Sicily (about one hour driving from Palermo)… But not many people know that, hidden in its depths, are some of the most important secrets of the Black Eagle!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Any piece of advice about the website, the publication, the marketing strategy, and the like, are welcome!


If you have any question about the book, the saga, the plot, the characters, etc. etc., this is the perfect place for your post!

Do you want to see it published?

If "The Black Eagle and the Seven Sages of Erenil" intrigues you, and you'd like to see it published as soon as possible, please, leave me a message here. You'll help me out in getting sooner both an American agent and an American publisher.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Mark and his friends don’t know that Tom’s mysterious disappearance will change their lives forever. The recurring and troubling dreams disturbing their sleep and testing their friendship are actually signs that the legend of the Black Eagle has begun to unfold. The earth is about to become the setting of a planetary conflict, the danger of which has been recognized only by a group of scientists led by Joseph Liogi, thanks to their detection of powerful surges of energy in various places on the planet. Mark will have an important mission to fulfill. But who is Laila, the beautiful girl who bursts into his life? And what can a few scientists and a handful of high school students hope to do against the powerful demons of Zòrakon and the monstrous Erkan hordes?