Sunday, August 3, 2008


If you have any question about the book, the saga, the plot, the characters, etc. etc., this is the perfect place for your post!


Nemesis said...

I've been browsing through and found it worth reading. Where's the story set?

Fulvio Di Blasi said...

Ciao Nemesis. Thanks for your comment.
The main heroes live both in Italy and the US. Both the story and the main action of this first book starts sometime in the near future in several places on the earth (there are several protagonists…), and ends up in Las Vegas. But there are things going on in different planets too. Is this what you wanted to know?

Fulvio Di Blasi said...


I got several great comments about the artwork. But I should give credits for it to a good friend of mine, Gian Marco Girgenti. A few months ago, I called him and said to him, “Look, Gian Marco, I have this novel I just finished… and I need you to draw some of the characters and, maybe, a cover presentation for me…” Well, he said yes. And we worked a lot together on what you can see on the site, and on other things still to be seen… I explained to him the way I was imagining the characters, the book symbolism, etc. And he kept taking notes, and showing me sketches after sketches. I was not thinking of an illustrated novel, though. Just a few drawings (like Tolkien did!). As I was already dreaming a future movie from the book…., I liked the idea of giving a visual idea (even to myself) of the characters as they were popping up in my mind…

Anonymous said...

E' veramente complicato scrivere su questo sito....

Quando esce il libro?

Fulvio Di Blasi said...

Spero presto! Sto discutendo con la casa editrice. Ma... dovevi scegliere il blog italiano per la domanda!